Is a Bellevue real estate career for you?
Yes, real estate sales can be a very fulfilling career. Before you take that next step, though, why not find out if you have the attributes to be a success. And, just as important, whether you’ll love the job.
We work in the greater Puget Sound. Our market center (office) is in the heart of Bellevue. Let’s be honest: There are many wonderful, successful agents in our Bellevue market. It’s competitive. So, you’ll want to do the assessment below to get into the field if it’s right for you–and for the right reasons.
Do You Have the Attributes of a Successful Salesperson?
Having interviewed thousands of would-be agents, I know the questions they ask. I also know the assumptions they bring into the interview. One of these assumptions is that they can just work whenever they want. If you’ve been in real estate even a few months, you know that’s not true—not true if you want to make money! It’s especially true in our area–where we have a high concentration of very successful, committed agents. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work here. After all, the home prices are in the higher price range, and we work with accomplished professionals. For agents with the right ‘stuff’, it’s a great match.
Avoid the Pain of Getting into the Wrong Job
In my new book, Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won’t Teach You in Pre-License School, * I described real estate sales as factually as possible. One of the things that sets this book apart (besides the facts), is that I created several self-analysis tools. The would-be agent can assess whether he will love real estate—or not.
Here’s one of the self-assessment questionnaires in the book:
Self-Analysis: Attributes for Success
Rate yourself a 3 if you feel this particular attribute is a real strength of yours; 2 if you feel you’re adequate; and 1 if you feel it’s not one of your best qualities.
Attribute: Rating: I do things on my own; nobody has to tell me to get going. (self-starter) |
I finish what I start, even if it takes me more time and effort than I thought. (self-director) | |
I’ll tackle the challenging activities fast. I like to put myself in the action. (action-oriented) | |
I’m the one who plans the get-togethers; people look to me to organize activities.
(leadership) |
I have accomplished things that others said I couldn’t do; I knew I could. (high achiever) | |
People depend on me because I follow through on a promise. (reliability) | |
I learn from others I respect; I put that information to use quickly. (good learner) | |
I get excited about accomplishing something; this causes me to keep going. (enthusiasm) | |
I handle rejection without devastation; I know it’s not personal. (tenacity/perseverance) | |
I’ve created ways to do things and have done them, even when I didn’t have lots of
information. (creativity/confidence in oneself) |
How did you rate yourself? What did you learn?
By the way, each person who registers through us for our pre-license school receives a virtual copy of my new book, so you have all the information you need.
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